Skin conditions are problems or diseases that affect the skin, often caused by factors like fungi, viral infections, or allergies. Some types are hereditary, known as genodermatoses. This overview focuses on three prevalent conditions: acne, rosacea, and eczema.Â
- Acne: A skin condition characterized by a rash or pimples caused by an overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands. Acne commonly occurs on the face, but can also affect the back and other areas where sebaceous glands are abundant. It can appear as blackheads, pustules, or painful red bumps (infiltrates). Acne can leave scars that may require treatments like laser therapy.Â
- Rosacea: This condition is marked by visible blood vessels and often occurs in women aged 30 to 50. Flare-ups cause redness, pimples, and bumps on the face. The skin's barrier function is compromised, making it more sensitive to environmental factors.Â
- Eczema: Although technically a symptom rather than a disease, eczema causes itching, redness, blisters, bumps, or cracks in the skin. There are many types, including atopic eczema, which is common in children, and contact eczema, caused by reactions to certain substances.Â