Hemorrhoids are swollen, elongated blood vessels located inside the anus or protruding from it. They can develop due to increased pressure on the blood vessels from straining during bowel movements. Other contributing factors include poor circulation and weakened connective tissue in the rectum, often influenced by hereditary factors. Pregnant women are particularly susceptible to hemorrhoids.
Common symptoms include itching, rectal bleeding during bowel movements, irritation, and pain. In some cases, a clot (thrombus) can form due to stagnant blood in the area, leading to significant discomfort. To alleviate symptoms, it is recommended to maintain a fiber-rich diet and stay well-hydrated. If hemorrhoids persist, medical treatment may be necessary.
In more severe cases, surgical intervention might be required. Topical treatments like hemorrhoid ointments can help soothe itching and pain, while suppositories are also available for internal use. Laxatives can be helpful for managing constipation or hard stools. For relief, hemorrhoid ointments can be ordered discreetly and affordably through Doctoronline.