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Yeah, summer is coming! Now that the sunshine is out, you have just about enough time to prepare your skin for the summer. This will prevent skin damage and your beautiful summer glow will last longer. Read more to know the best types of sun products to keep your skin in good condition this summer.
The benefits will prevent long-term skin damage and this article with help you keep you achieve a long lasting summer glow.
Over the past few months, your skin has been tucked away under warm layers of clothing. Delightfully comfy, but you might not have made the effort to remove flakes, callous and excess hairs and dry skin. First of all, lose the winter dry skin. Dry and flaky skin is hugely improved by a good scrub. Make sure you use the coarser scrub cream only on your body and use a gentle one for your face. Remember to use your finger tips and be gentle when scrubbing your face. When you’re scrubbing your body always move the scrub in gentle movements towards your heart.Also be gentle around your eye areas the skin is thinner in this part of your face. Once you have scrubbed your skin you will give it a better chance to absorb your moisturiser. You can add a serum or face oil after you scrub and then add your moisturiser after.
Major maintenance
Legs and bikini line
It’s that time of year to show off your beautiful body. It’s time to look critically at your legs and bikini line. Too much hair in unwanted places? You can choose to wax, epilate or shave to remove unwanted hairs there is a wide range of methods you can use.
Don’t forget your feet. Your feet have been kept warm all winter now its time to get them summer ready. Over the last few months, it is normal to have a build up of callous on your heels, soles or on the side of your little toe can be easily removed with a pumice or a special file. Checking the health of your toenails is really important. Are the nails of your toes thick and brittle or do they have a weird yellow colour? Then you may suffer from a fungal infection. If you start taking an antifungal product now, you will still be ready for the flip-flops season. At night time you can add a nice food creme and it your feet will absorb this while you are sleeping. You can also use a scrub on your feet it will help to keep them soft and also improves your circulation.
Although we all love the sun it has a drying effect on your body. An important part of the preparation of your skin for summer is hydrating. This is best done from inside to outside. So drink plenty of water, juice, and tea. This allows you to get a lot of moisture in and waste will be removed faster, which will make your skin clean and shiny. Also, use a good moisturising cream and body lotion. You can keep it simple and add an SPF in your BB creme or tinted moisturiser. Choose products with an UV filter to optimally protect your skin and occasionally add a moisturising mask to pamper your face and neck. You can examine your skin in the morning and see if you need to add a serum if your skin is dry. Your skin can vary throughout the month. Keep your hands moisturised as well. If you have combination skin you can look for oil free products to keep your skin more balanced. Another tip is to keep your skin hydrated with a small water spray your skin is an organ and on hot days it can help to cool your skin down. Keep a small one in your bag and you can use it anywhere in the office to the tube the moment you feel you’re hot.
Foods for your skin
You might be surprised by this, but you can prepare your skin for the summer by adjusting your diet. Certain foods help protect your skin from damage caused by UV radiation. Choose products that are rich in antioxidants. These substances neutralise the free radicals in the sunlight that cause your skin to age faster. Examples of foods that contain many antioxidants are:
Examples of foods that contain many antioxidants are:
Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit boost your immune system
Unburned nuts and seeds protien rich foods
Seeds and herbs
Green tea keep hydrated
Raw or extra bitter (minimum 70%) chocolate
Build it up slowly
Preparing your skin for summer also means that you start sunbathing slowly. This can be done by using an extra high SPF first and gradually expose your skin to the sun. After winter your skin is super sensitive and will burn quickly, with all the consequences. So keep calm and do not sunbathe for hours. Avoid the sunshine between 12.00 and 15.00 O’clock and use a good sunscreen product (also on cloudy days). This way you gradually get a beautiful brown complexion that lasts for a long time. Make sure you get enough rest as well the sun can make you feel a bit tired.
With these tips, your skin is well prepared for summer and you will have a radiant skin to start your favourite season!
Sources: Vrouw&Passie.nl