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Effective ways to burn fat without being hungry

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Fat burning, also known as lipolysis, is an important part of losing weight. In short, our bodies burn fat as an energy source. During this process, stored body fat (from food) is burned and converted into energy. Carrying excess fat can lead to serious health consequences, especially in individuals with obesity. Fat burning leads to increased feelings of hunger, which can make it hard to resist eating. In this article, we’ll give you five practical tips to burn fat while keeping hunger at bay.

What types of body fat are there?

Fat is a soft tissue made up of fat cells. Fat is stored in the body in different compartments:  

  • Subcutaneous (under the skin): This fat is visible because it’s stored under the skin. 
  • Visceral (around the internal organs): This is the fat within the abdominal cavity, around the organs. It cushions the body from accidents. However, too much visceral fat can be dangerous for your health and cause inflammation.  

Body fat is an umbrella term for different fat cells of different colour:  

  • Brown fat, or ‘good’ fat, breaks down glucose and fat molecules to create heat. 
  • White fat stores glucose and energy as large fat droplets. 
  • Beige fat cells burn calories to regulate body temperature by converting white fat cells to brown. These fat cells also have the capacity to burn glucose and fat to produce heat. Further research is still being conducted to understand the function of beige fat. 

Fat is important for the body. It is only when the body has too much fat, or we consume too much fat, that fat becomes a problem.  

The impact of metabolism

Metabolism refers to processes in the body during which food is converted to building blocks of proteins and energy. Another function of metabolism is the elimination of metabolic wastes and the use and storage of reserves in the body. A slower metabolism can make it more challenging to lose weight because the body burns fewer calories – even at rest. Your metabolic rate may be partly decided by your genes, but lifestyle factors may also play a role. Boosting your metabolism can help burn fat at a quicker rate.

What can you to burn more fat?

There are several ways to achieve this: 

  • Examine your eating habits. 
  • Exercise more. 
  • Speak to your doctor about medical options.  

Some medicines like weight loss drugs can help because they reduce the absorption of fat from food. This prevents fat that is eaten in meals from being absorbed in the intestine.  

Avoid hunger

How can you burn more fat without feeling hungry all the time? Feeling hungry is something to be avoided, if possible, because experiencing repeated feelings of hunger can lead to uncontrolled eating. It’s counterproductive if you want to burn fat. Don't starve yourself but eat moderately and healthily. Exercise and relaxation are important.

Five practical tips to burn fat without feeling hungry

Here are five practical tips to burn more fat and boost your metabolism: 

  1. Make healthy food choices.  
    Avoid processed foods like cookies, potato chips and ready-made meals as much as possible. Pack your diet with vegetables and fruit. Drink plenty of water. Tea and coffee without sugar or milk are also great options. Some other things to consider:  
    - Protein: Increases fat burning and tends to make you feel fuller longer. Eggs, lean white meat, dairy product, soy products, legumes are all good sources of protein.  
    - Fibre: High-fibre foods make your stomach feel fuller. Foods that are rich in fibre include vegetables, fruit, legumes and whole grains. 
    - Healthy fats: Healthy fats also make you feel fuller longer. Fatty fish, nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil are high in healthy fats. 
  2. Keep a journal
    Research has shown that people who keep food journals are twice more likely to be successful in losing weight than those who don’t. A food journal can offer insight into eating pattern and what high-calorie foods you are eating. In short, keeping a journal can be a very effective tool to help change behaviour.  
  3. Be more physically active.  
    Go for daily walks and do moderate to intense exercise on a regular basis. Exercise suppresses appetite by decreasing hunger hormones and increasing hormones that help you feel full.  
  4. Prioritise sleep
    Lack of sleep has been shown to increase snacking, which can lead to excessive energy intake. Sleep deprivation can also disrupt or slow down metabolic processes.  
  5. Add probiotics to your diet.  
    Probiotics are live bacteria or yeasts found in fermented foods that, when consumed, have a positive impact on the gut microbiota. Research has shown that probiotics from the Bifidobacterium genus show promise in reducing body fat mass, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and visceral fat area in people who are overweight or obese. However, further research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms. 

Ask for help if you're struggling

Struggling to burn fat or lose weight? Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Doctoronline’s team of affiliated doctors is here to help you find a solution that meets your needs. Want to learn more about overweight and available weight loss options? Browse our website! 

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